
Screens are containers that are used to place and organise other B1 Objects inside (e.g. Forms , Grid / Table) in a specific layout. There are three types of screens in Build.One.


Windows are handled in B1 with the SwatWindows object. sUsers can resize SwatWindows, minimise them or lose the focus of them (click outside)


Dialogs are handled in B1 with the SwatDialog object. Users can resize SwatDialogs, minimise them but no lose the focus of them (click outside)


Frame screen type is handled in B1 with the SwatFrame object. SwatFrame can not be launch alone, instead they can be placed inside other Screens to generate complex Layouts


Every Screen has a Layout. Layouts define the structure of a Screen. This means they specify the number of Panels contained in the Layout, and the way they are arranged.


Every space in the layout is filled with a Panel, which can contain objects like Grids or Forms. Also a Panel can contain a Frame with its own layout which allow any configuration of screen structure that is no possible with the Layout of a single Screen. Each panel can have a title, can be resized and can be collapsed.

Example of a Screen with a Layout of 2 panels side by side

Example of a Screen with a Layout of 2 panels side by side

How to use it

1. Create the Object

Screens can be created in the Design > Screens section of the sidebar. Using the Create Button will show the Screen Creation Dialog. In this screen, the basic attributes like name, description or module can be defined on the left. And on the right panel there is the option to select which type of screen needs to be created or select a template already defined.