
A RichText Control (SimpleSwatRichText) is a full HTML editor. It allows you to create a custom editor from any input field to display HTML content or similar. You can also format the text and store additional content in it.



How to use it

  1. Open the form designer of your form
  2. Drag and drop the SimpleSwatRichText to your form
  3. Than copy the “name” attribute of the replaced field (In our case “Instructions”) and paste it into the “name” attribute of the “SimpleSwatRichtext” object
  4. Delete the former attribute “Instruction” and save
  5. Than go back to the “SimpleSwatRichtext” object and change the number of the attribute “HEIGHT-CHARS” to “10”


Attribute Description Example/Values
HEIGHT-CHARS Controls the height of your editor 10
Name Is uesed of the assignment for the safe of the dataset String - Instructions


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