
The Tabbars are created in Build.One using the SwatTabbar object. They can be added to a panel of a SwatWindow or SwatFrame and lets you add different tabs within the panel. Each tab can have its own content


Example of a Tabbar with 3 Tabs

Example of a Tabbar with 3 Tabs

How to use it

1. Add a Tabbar

  1. Open a Screen Object with the Object Designer and drag&drop an object of type SwatTabbar from the catalogue of objects to the desired panel in the preview panel.

    <aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_purple.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_purple.svg" width="40px" /> You can use the “SimpleSwatTabbar” object as a simple version of the object type SwatTabbar


  2. Specify a unique object name for the tabbar.

  3. Define the visualisation of the tabbar (horizontal as a tabbar or vertical as a sidebar) with the property TabVisualization

  4. Define if text or icons or both should be shown with the property viewTemplate

2. Add new pages

To add new tabs in a SwatTabbar use the contextMenu in the LayoutDesign Panel that is opened with the gears icon. Use the option “Add new page”

Screenshot 2024-02-07 at 13.54.45.png


Attribute Description Example/Values
Tab Visualization Defines the kind of tabs Tabbar/Sidebar
View Template Defines the visualisations of the description of the tabs text/icons/icons_text
PageKey Defines the name and can be used to reference the tab e.g. in translation files (instead of non-fix Sequence)